Kadane’s Algorithm: Explained with Code

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Kadane’s Algorithm is a classic algorithm used to solve the maximum subarray problem, which involves finding a contiguous subarray of numbers in an array with the largest possible sum. This algorithm was developed by Jay Kadane in 1984 and has since become a widely used solution for this problem due to its simplicity and efficiency. Whether you’re a beginner programmer or an experienced developer, understanding Kadane’s Algorithm is an essential tool for optimizing your code and solving a range of real-world problems. In this post, we’ll explore the basics of Kadane’s Algorithm, its applications, and how to implement it in your code. So let’s dive in and discover the power of Kadane’s Algorithm for solving the maximum subarray problem!

Kadane's Algorithm
Kadane’s Algorithm: Explained with Code

Kadane’s Algorithm is a dynamic programming algorithm that solves the maximum subarray problem in linear time. The maximum subarray problem is a classic problem in computer science that involves finding a contiguous subarray of numbers in an array with the largest possible sum. This problem has a wide range of real-world applications, such as in stock market analysis, DNA sequencing, and image processing. Kadane’s Algorithm works by iterating through the array and keeping track of the maximum subarray sum seen so far, as well as the current subarray sum. It also handles negative numbers by considering the case where the maximum subarray sum is zero. By iterating through the array in a single pass, Kadane’s Algorithm has a time complexity of O(n), where n is the length of the array. This makes it an efficient solution for the maximum subarray problem, especially for large datasets.

The maximum subarray problem arises in various fields such as finance, genetics, and image processing, where it is crucial to find a contiguous subarray of numbers with the largest possible sum. Kadane’s Algorithm provides an efficient solution to this problem, with a time complexity of O(n), where n is the length of the array. This makes it ideal for processing large datasets and optimizing code. Additionally, Kadane’s Algorithm is a popular algorithm for coding interviews, as it tests a programmer’s ability to think critically, optimize code, and solve a common problem in computer science.

Understanding the Problem

Before delving into Kadane’s Algorithm, it’s essential to understand the maximum subarray problem that it solves. The maximum subarray problem involves finding a contiguous subarray of numbers in an array with the largest possible sum. For example, given the array [−2, 1, −3, 4, −1, 2, 1, −5, 4], the maximum subarray would be [4, −1, 2, 1], with a sum of 6. Note that the subarray must be contiguous, meaning that the numbers must be adjacent to each other in the array.

This problem can be solved using brute force by iterating through all possible subarrays and keeping track of the maximum sum seen so far. However, this approach has a time complexity of O(n^3), where n is the length of the array, making it impractical for large datasets. Kadane’s Algorithm provides a more efficient solution to the problem, with a time complexity of O(n), by iteratively keeping track of the maximum subarray sum seen so far and the current subarray sum.

Let’s consider an example to illustrate the maximum subarray problem. Suppose we have an array A with the following values:

A = [-2, 1, -3, 4, -1, 2, 1, -5, 4]

Our goal is to find a contiguous subarray of A with the largest possible sum. In this case, the maximum subarray would be [4, -1, 2, 1], with a sum of 6. Note that there are other subarrays with the same sum, such as [1, -3, 4, -1, 2], but they are not contiguous.

One way to solve this problem is to use brute force, which involves iterating through all possible subarrays and keeping track of the maximum sum seen so far. For array A, this would involve checking subarrays of length 1, 2, 3, …, n, where n is the length of the array. However, this approach has a time complexity of O(n^3), making it impractical for large datasets. Kadane’s Algorithm provides a more efficient solution to the problem, with a time complexity of O(n), making it a better choice for processing large datasets.

Explanation of Kadane’s Algorithm

Kadane’s Algorithm works by iterating through the input array and keeping track of the maximum subarray sum seen so far, as well as the current subarray sum.

Let’s consider an example with the same array A = [-2, 1, -3, 4, -1, 2, 1, -5, 4]. We start by initializing two variables: max_sum and current_sum to the first element of the array A[0].

We then iterate through the array from the second element A[1] to the end of the array, updating the current_sum and max_sum variables at each step.

At each index i, we first check if adding the current element A[i] to the current subarray sum would result in a larger sum than A[i] itself. If it does, we update the current_sum variable to include A[i] and move to the next index. Otherwise, we set the current_sum variable to A[i] itself, indicating that we should start a new subarray from that index.

We also update the max_sum variable to keep track of the largest sum seen so far, which could be the current_sum or a previous max_sum. This ensures that we are always keeping track of the maximum subarray sum seen so far.

In the end, we return the max_sum variable, which holds the maximum subarray sum for the input array.

By iterating through the array in a single pass and updating only two variables at each step, Kadane’s Algorithm has a time complexity of O(n), where n is the length of the array. This makes it an efficient solution for the maximum subarray problem, especially for large datasets.

Pseudocode Of The Kadane’s Algorithm

Kadane's Algorithm

Input: An array A of n numbers
Output: The maximum subarray sum for A

1. Initialize variables:
   - max_sum = A[0]
   - current_sum = A[0]

2. For i = 1 to n-1:
   a. current_sum = max(current_sum + A[i], A[i])
   b. max_sum = max(max_sum, current_sum)

3. Return max_sum

Step 1: Initialize variables

We start by initializing two variables: max_sum and current_sum to the first element of the array A[0]. This is because the maximum subarray sum could be the first element itself or the sum of the first element and some of the subsequent elements.

Step 2: Iterate through the array

We then iterate through the array from the second element A[1] to the end of the array. At each step i, we update the current_sum and max_sum variables according to the following rules:

a. current_sum = max(current_sum + A[i], A[i])

We first check if adding the current element A[i] to the current subarray sum would result in a larger sum than A[i] itself. If it does, we update the current_sum variable to include A[i] and move to the next index. Otherwise, we set the current_sum variable to A[i] itself, indicating that we should start a new subarray from that index.

b. max_sum = max(max_sum, current_sum)

We also update the max_sum variable to keep track of the largest sum seen so far, which could be the current_sum or a previous max_sum. This ensures that we are always keeping track of the maximum subarray sum seen so far.

Step 3: Return max_sum

In the end, we return the max_sum variable, which holds the maximum subarray sum for the input array.

By iterating through the array in a single pass and updating only two variables at each step, Kadane’s Algorithm has a time complexity of O(n), where n is the length of the array. This makes it an efficient solution for the maximum subarray problem, especially for large datasets.

Complexity analysis of the algorithm

Kadane’s Algorithm has a time complexity of O(n), where n is the length of the input array. This is because it iterates through the array in a single pass, updating only two variables at each step. Therefore, the time taken to run the algorithm increases linearly with the size of the input array.

The space complexity of the algorithm is O(1), meaning that it uses a constant amount of additional memory beyond the input array. This is because the algorithm only needs to store two variables (max_sum and current_sum) at each step, regardless of the size of the input array.

Kadane’s Algorithm is an efficient solution to the maximum subarray problem, especially for large datasets. Its linear time complexity makes it faster than some other algorithms that use a divide-and-conquer approach, such as the O(nlogn) algorithm based on merge sort. However, it may not be the best solution in certain scenarios, such as when the input array contains many negative numbers or when we need to find the actual subarray that gives the maximum sum. In such cases, more specialized algorithms may be more suitable.

Overall, Kadane’s Algorithm is a powerful and efficient algorithm that can be used to find the maximum subarray sum for an input array in linear time.

Implementation in Python

To implement Kadane’s Algorithm in Python, we can follow the steps outlined in the pseudocode:

def kadane_algorithm(A):
    max_sum = current_sum = A[0]
    for i in range(1, len(A)):
        current_sum = max(A[i], current_sum + A[i])
        max_sum = max(max_sum, current_sum)
    return max_sum

Let’s break down this implementation line by line:

  1. We define a function kadane_algorithm that takes an input array A.
  2. We initialize two variables max_sum and current_sum to the first element of the array A[0].
  3. We iterate through the array from the second element A[1] to the end of the array using a for loop.
  4. At each iteration, we update the current_sum and max_sum variables according to the rules in the pseudocode.
  5. After the loop completes, we return the max_sum variable, which holds the maximum subarray sum for the input array.

To test the implementation, we can call the kadane_algorithm function with different input arrays and check the output:

# Test cases
A = [-2, 1, -3, 4, -1, 2, 1, -5, 4]
assert kadane_algorithm(A) == 6

A = [-1, -2, -3, -4, -5]
assert kadane_algorithm(A) == -1

A = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
assert kadane_algorithm(A) == 15

These test cases represent different scenarios where the input array contains positive and negative numbers, and the maximum subarray sum is either in the middle of the array or at the edges. The assert statements ensure that the function returns the expected output for each input array.

Implementing Kadane’s Algorithm in Python is straightforward, and it can be used in a wide range of applications, from data analysis to machine learning. The simplicity and efficiency of the algorithm make it a go-to solution for finding the maximum subarray sum of an input array.

Example of implementation on sample data

Let’s apply the kadane_algorithm function we implemented in Python to a sample dataset:

# Sample dataset
A = [-2, 1, -3, 4, -1, 2, 1, -5, 4]

This input array contains both positive and negative numbers, and our goal is to find the contiguous subarray that has the largest sum. We can call the kadane_algorithm function with this input array and print the output:

# Call the function with the input array
max_subarray_sum = kadane_algorithm(A)

# Print the output
print(f"The maximum subarray sum of {A} is {max_subarray_sum}.")

The output of this code will be:

The maximum subarray sum of [-2, 1, -3, 4, -1, 2, 1, -5, 4] is 6.

This result tells us that the contiguous subarray [4, -1, 2, 1] has the largest sum of 6. We can visualize this subarray in the original input array as follows:

[-2, 1, -3, 4, -1, 2, 1, -5, 4]
                ^  ^  ^  ^
                |  |  |  |
                4 -1  2  1

As we can see, the kadane_algorithm function correctly identifies the maximum subarray sum of the input array. By applying this algorithm to different datasets, we can quickly and efficiently find the contiguous subarray that has the largest sum, which is useful in various applications, such as finance, signal processing, and computer vision.

Tips for implementation

Implementing Kadane’s Algorithm in Python is simple, but there are a few tips to keep in mind that can improve the performance and readability of the code:

  1. Use descriptive variable names: When implementing Kadane’s Algorithm, we can use variable names that reflect their purpose, such as max_sum for the maximum subarray sum and current_sum for the current subarray sum. This makes the code more readable and understandable for others who may need to work with it in the future.
  2. Optimize the code for memory usage: Kadane’s Algorithm uses constant space, which means that it does not need to allocate additional memory for temporary arrays or variables. This is an advantage when working with large datasets that can quickly consume memory. To optimize the code for memory usage, we can avoid creating unnecessary temporary arrays or variables and reuse existing ones.
  3. Avoid unnecessary operations: Kadane’s Algorithm has a linear time complexity, which means that it iterates over the input array only once. To avoid unnecessary operations that can slow down the algorithm, we can use simple and efficient operations, such as addition, comparison, and assignment. Avoid using expensive operations, such as multiplication, division, or exponentiation, unless they are necessary for the problem.
  4. Test the code with different input arrays: To ensure that the kadane_algorithm function works correctly, we should test it with various input arrays that cover different scenarios, such as arrays with positive and negative numbers, arrays with repeated numbers, and arrays with different lengths. Testing the code with multiple input arrays can help us identify and fix any bugs or edge cases that the algorithm may not handle correctly.

Variation of Kadane’s Algorithm

There are variations of the algorithm that can handle different scenarios or constraints, such as non-contiguous subarrays or subarrays with a fixed length. Some of the most common variations of Kadane’s Algorithm include:

  1. Maximum subarray sum in a non-contiguous array: In this variation, we need to find the maximum subarray sum in a non-contiguous array, which means that we can skip elements in the array but cannot include adjacent elements. To solve this problem, we can modify Kadane’s Algorithm by keeping track of two variables: included and excluded. The included variable stores the maximum subarray sum that includes the current element, while the excluded variable stores the maximum subarray sum that excludes the current element. At each iteration, we update included and excluded based on the previous values and the current element. The final result is the maximum of included and excluded.
  2. Maximum subarray sum with a fixed length: In this variation, we need to find the maximum subarray sum with a fixed length k, where k is a positive integer. To solve this problem, we can use a sliding window approach, where we maintain a window of size k and slide it through the input array. At each iteration, we update the sum of the current window and compare it to the previous maximum sum. We continue sliding the window until we reach the end of the input array. The final result is the maximum sum encountered during the sliding window process.
  3. Maximum subarray sum with at most k elements: In this variation, we need to find the maximum subarray sum with at most k elements, where k is a positive integer. To solve this problem, we can use a dynamic programming approach, where we maintain a matrix of size (n+1) x (k+1), where n is the length of the input array. The (i, j) cell of the matrix stores the maximum subarray sum of the first i elements of the input array with at most j elements. We can fill the matrix using a nested loop, where we update each cell based on the previous cells and the current element. The final result is the maximum value in the last row of the matrix.

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Real-world Applications

Kadane’s Algorithm has a wide range of real-world applications in various fields such as computer science, finance, and engineering. Some examples of its applications are:

Stock Market Analysis:

Kadane’s Algorithm is commonly used in stock market analysis to find the maximum profit that can be obtained from buying and selling stocks at different times. In this scenario, the input array represents the stock prices, and the algorithm can find the maximum profit by finding the maximum subarray sum.

The problem can be formulated as follows: Given an array of stock prices, find the maximum profit that can be obtained by buying and selling the stock at different times. The price array can be thought of as a time series, where each element represents the stock price at a particular time. The objective is to find the maximum difference between two prices, where the higher price comes after the lower price.

To solve this problem using Kadane’s Algorithm, we can first calculate the differences between each consecutive pair of stock prices to obtain a new array of price changes. Then we can apply Kadane’s Algorithm on this new array to find the maximum subarray sum, which corresponds to the maximum profit that can be obtained by buying and selling the stock at different times.

The time complexity of this approach is O(n), where n is the length of the price array, making it an efficient solution for large datasets. The use of Kadane’s Algorithm in stock market analysis has become increasingly popular due to its simplicity and effectiveness in solving the maximum profit problem.

DNA Sequencing:

Kadane’s Algorithm can also be applied in genomic sequence analysis to find the maximum sum subsequence of nucleotides with certain constraints, such as a minimum length or a maximum number of mutations. In this scenario, the input array represents the sequence of nucleotides, and the algorithm can find the maximum sum subsequence by finding the maximum subarray sum with the given constraints.

Genomic sequence analysis involves analyzing the DNA sequence of an organism to study its biological characteristics, such as its susceptibility to diseases, genetic traits, and evolutionary history. The DNA sequence is represented as a string of nucleotides, where each nucleotide can be one of four bases: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), or thymine (T).

To use Kadane’s Algorithm in DNA sequencing, we can first represent each nucleotide as a numerical value using a coding scheme such as ASCII or Unicode. Then we can calculate the differences between each consecutive pair of nucleotides to obtain a new array of mutations. Next, we can apply Kadane’s Algorithm on this new array with the given constraints, such as a minimum length or a maximum number of mutations, to find the maximum sum subsequence of nucleotides.

The time complexity of this approach is also O(n), where n is the length of the DNA sequence. Kadane’s Algorithm can be particularly useful in genome assembly, which involves reconstructing the complete DNA sequence of an organism from shorter fragments of the sequence. By finding the maximum sum subsequence of nucleotides, Kadane’s Algorithm can help identify the longest continuous stretch of DNA sequence that matches a reference genome, which can aid in genome assembly and analysis.

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Image Processing:

Kadane’s Algorithm can also be applied in image processing to find the maximum sum submatrix of pixels with certain constraints, such as a minimum area or a maximum number of color changes. In this scenario, the input array represents the pixel values of an image, and the algorithm can find the maximum sum submatrix by finding the maximum subarray sum in a 2D matrix with the given constraints.

Image processing involves analyzing digital images to extract information or improve their visual quality. The pixel values of an image are represented as a 2D matrix, where each element represents the color or intensity of a pixel at a particular location.

To use Kadane’s Algorithm in image processing, we can first represent each pixel as a numerical value using a coding scheme such as RGB or grayscale. Then we can calculate the differences between each consecutive pair of pixels in each row of the matrix to obtain a new 2D matrix of pixel differences. Next, we can apply Kadane’s Algorithm on this new 2D matrix with the given constraints, such as a minimum area or a maximum number of color changes, to find the maximum sum submatrix of pixels.

The time complexity of this approach is O(n^3), where n is the size of the image matrix. Kadane’s Algorithm can be particularly useful in object detection and recognition, where the objective is to identify specific objects or patterns in an image. By finding the maximum sum submatrix of pixels, Kadane’s Algorithm can help identify regions of an image that contain a specific pattern or feature, which can aid in object detection and recognition.


In conclusion, Kadane’s Algorithm is a simple yet powerful algorithm for finding the maximum subarray sum of a given array. The algorithm has a time complexity of O(n) and is widely used in various applications such as stock market analysis, DNA sequencing, and image processing. By understanding the problem and the algorithm, and implementing it correctly, one can efficiently solve problems related to maximum subarray sum. Moreover, the variations of the algorithm demonstrate the versatility of the approach and its potential for various problem domains. Overall, Kadane’s Algorithm is a valuable tool in the toolbox of any programmer or data scientist, and its practical applications make it a useful algorithm to master.


What is the time complexity of Kadane’s Algorithm?

The time complexity of Kadane’s Algorithm is O(n), where n is the size of the input array.

What is the output format for Kadane’s Algorithm?

The output format for Kadane’s Algorithm is a single integer representing the maximum subarray sum.

Can Kadane’s Algorithm handle arrays with negative integers?

Yes, Kadane’s Algorithm can handle arrays with negative integers.

Is Kadane’s Algorithm limited to one-dimensional arrays?

No, Kadane’s Algorithm can be extended to two-dimensional arrays or matrices for finding the maximum subarray sum.

Can Kadane’s Algorithm be used for non-numeric data?

No, Kadane’s Algorithm is designed for numeric data and cannot be used for non-numeric data directly.

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