2 Best Ways to Rename Columns in Panda DataFrame – Step-by-Step

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Rename Columns in Panda DataFrame: Renaming columns in a Pandas DataFrame is a common task in data analysis and manipulation. Having clear and meaningful column names can greatly improve the readability and organization of the data. Pandas, the popular Python library for data analysis, provides several methods for renaming columns in a DataFrame. In this blog post, we will explore the top 2 best and most commonly used methods for renaming panda columns and provide examples to demonstrate the process. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced data analyst, this guide will provide a useful resource for renaming columns in Pandas DataFrames.

panda rename column

Columns in a Pandas DataFrame are the individual data fields that make up the DataFrame. Each column in a Pandas DataFrame is represented by a unique label or name, and contains a specific type of data (e.g. integers, strings, floats, etc.). The columns in a Pandas DataFrame are stored in a data structure known as a Series, and they can be accessed, modified, and analyzed using various Pandas functions and methods. The columns in a Pandas DataFrame play a crucial role in organizing and manipulating data, and they are an essential component of any Pandas DataFrame.

In data analysis, it’s important to have clear and meaningful column names to make the data more organized and understandable. The process of renaming columns can improve the clarity and accessibility of the data.

How To Rename Columns in Panda data frame?

Pandas is a powerful library in Python that provides easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools. The process of renaming columns in a Pandas DataFrame involves two main steps – accessing the column to be renamed and then using the appropriate method to change its name.

Pandas is an open-source data analysis and data manipulation library that provides fast, flexible, and expressive data structures designed to make working with “relational” or “labeled” data both easy and intuitive. The library provides several data structures, including Series, DataFrame, and Panel, for storing and manipulating data.

Prerequisites for Renaming Coloumn in Pandas (Python)

Before we dive into the process of renaming columns in a Pandas DataFrame, there are a few prerequisites that need to be met. Firstly, you must have the Pandas library installed on your system. Secondly, it’s important to have a basic understanding of Pandas DataFrames and how they are used to store and manipulate data. Finally, you will need to have a sample dataset to work with, which can be either a built-in dataset provided by Pandas or a dataset imported from a CSV file. In this section, we will go over each of these prerequisites to ensure that you are fully prepared to start renaming columns in your Pandas DataFrame.

  • Installing Pandas library
  • Understanding Pandas DataFrame
  • Importing a sample dataset
Renaming Panda Columns in Python

Method 1: Renaming Columns Using the Rename() Method

The Rename() method is one of the most commonly used methods for renaming columns in a Pandas DataFrame. It provides a flexible and convenient way to change the names of columns in a DataFrame. The Rename() method accepts a “columns” parameter which is a dictionary where the keys are the old column names and the values are the new column names. The method also accepts an “inplace” parameter which, if set to True, will modify the original DataFrame with the renamed columns. In this section, we will explore the syntax and usage of the Rename() method with examples to demonstrate how to rename one or multiple columns in a Pandas DataFrame.

Syntax of the Rename() method

The Rename() method is a flexible and convenient method for renaming columns in a Pandas DataFrame. The basic syntax for using the Rename() method is as follows:

The “columns” parameter accepts a dictionary where the keys are the old column names and the values are the new column names. The “inplace” parameter, if set to True, will rename the columns in place, meaning that the original DataFrame will be modified. If set to False (default), a new DataFrame with the renamed columns will be returned.

Example of using the Rename() method to rename one column:

In this example, we will use the Rename() method to rename a single column in a Pandas DataFrame.

Example of using the Rename() method to rename multiple columns

In this example, we will use the Rename() method to rename multiple columns in a Pandas DataFrame.

Method 2: Renaming Columns Using the Columns Attribute

Another method for renaming columns in a Pandas DataFrame is by using the “columns” attribute. The “columns” attribute represents the column labels of a DataFrame and can be used to reassign the column labels to new values. This method is simple and straightforward and can be useful when you need to rename a small number of columns. In this section, we will demonstrate how to use the “columns” attribute to rename one or multiple columns in a Pandas DataFrame with examples.

Also Read: Best Ways to Merge Pandas Dataframes

Syntax of the Columns Attribute

The “columns” attribute of a Pandas DataFrame can be used to reassign the column labels to new values. The basic syntax for using the “columns” attribute to rename columns is as follows:

Example of using the Columns Attribute to rename one column

In this example, we will demonstrate how to use the “columns” attribute to rename a single column in a Pandas DataFrame.

Example of using the Columns Attribute to rename multiple columns

In this example, we will demonstrate how to use the “columns” attribute to rename multiple columns in a Pandas DataFrame.


In this blog post, we discussed two methods for renaming columns in a Pandas DataFrame: the Rename() method and the “columns” attribute. Both methods provide different approaches to renaming columns, and the best method to use will depend on your specific use case. The Rename() method is a flexible and convenient method that allows you to rename one or multiple columns by passing a dictionary of old and new column names. The “columns” attribute provides a simple method for renaming columns by reassigning the column labels to new values. Whichever method you choose, it is important to understand the syntax and usage of both methods in order to effectively rename columns in your Pandas DataFrames.


What is the Rename() method in Pandas?

The Rename() method is a Pandas function that allows you to rename one or multiple columns in a Pandas DataFrame. It is a flexible and convenient method for renaming columns, as it allows you to specify the old and new names of columns in a dictionary.

What is the “columns” attribute in Pandas?

The “columns” attribute in Pandas is a property of a Pandas DataFrame that represents the column labels. This attribute can be used to reassign the column labels to new values, which effectively renames the columns in the DataFrame.

Can I rename columns in place using the Rename() method?

Yes, the Rename() method provides an “inplace” parameter that, if set to True, will modify the original DataFrame with the renamed columns.

Can I rename multiple columns using the “columns” attribute?

Yes, you can rename multiple columns using the “columns” attribute by providing a list of new column names that match the number of columns in the DataFrame.

Can I rename columns using both the Rename() method and the “columns” attribute?

Yes, you can use both the Rename() method and the “columns” attribute in the same DataFrame. However, it is important to note that the “columns” attribute will overwrite any changes made using the Rename() method, so it is best to use one method at a time.

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